Course outline for 2025.

Course titelReferenceDaysOctNovDecJanFebMarAprilMayJuneCost
Basic Safety Training (refr.)*STCW Table A-VI/1-1, 1-3 og 1-4228422017102219165.000
Medical First AidSTCW Table A-VI/4-17119131017712106.000
Medical Care Training course, chest ASTCW Table A-VI/4 (4-1 og 4-2)37119131017712108.300
Prof. in Rescue Boats other than FRBSTCW Table A-VI/2-157.000
Fast Rescue Boats (FRB)STCW Table A-VI/2-247.000
Prof. in Rescue Boats other than FRB (ref)STCW Table A-VI/2-1230642219122421185.000
Fast Rescue Boats, FRB (ref.)STCW Table A-VI/2-2231752320132522195.000
Occupational Health (danish ships) §16Faroese law16.500
Ship Security Officer, SSOSTCW Table A-V/516.500
Company Security Officer, CSOISPS-Code A/11.2 (STCW)37.500
Transport of dangerous goodsSTCW B-V/c and IMDG Code Chapt. 1.32*****7.500
Port Facility Security Officer, PFSOISPS-kodan A/17.23***7.500

() – means that the course is full booked

* The price DKK 5.000,- is applicable for foreign shipowners.